A variety of learning experiences

Business Administration – Advanced Diploma

Program Details

Length: 1 year

Total Credits: 30

Intake Terms: Fall, Winter, Spring

Delivery Method: In-person

Campus: Castlegar

Credential: Advanced Diploma

Student Loans:

This program is eligible for student loans

Credential Received

Advanced Diploma in Business Administration


Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

  1. Further develop the outcomes of the Selkirk Diploma in Business Administration
  2. To provide transferrable courses to an Okanagan College Bachelor’s degree specifically, and to other Business programs generally

Program Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements

Successful completion of the Selkirk College Business Administration program or equivalent

Additional Requirements

  • Official admission to this program will not take place until completion or the academic requirement is met; however, students may be able to access courses from within this program subject to availability.
  • Entry may be limited by space limitations.
  • Students admitted to a specific program will be given preferred access to that program’s courses.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to correspond with receiving institutions to ensure that their Selkirk College course selection will meet their Bachelor of Business Administration educational goals.

1. Part-time Study

a) The program encourages and supports part-time study.

2. Co-op Education

a) The Co-op Education Program of work terms will be an option within this program.


1. Before an applicant’s file is considered to be complete, the following must have been received by the Admissions Department:

a) Completed application form.

b) The appropriate official transcripts.

2. The deadline for receiving required documentation is stated in the student’s admissions letter.

3. An interview (in person or by telephone) with the Program Coordinator or designate may be required before entry to the program. Interview results are not used as criteria for admission.

Graduation and Promotion

1. To be promoted in good standing, a student must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.00.

2. To be qualified for automatic admission into a course which stipulates a prerequisite, a minimum grade of “C” or better must be achieved in the prerequisite course, unless the course concerned requires a higher grade.

3. Students will not be permitted to exceed a full semester course load except with the permission of the School Chair or designate.

4. Two (2) failures in a non-elective course are normally cause for withdrawal from the program. A third attempt at a course may be made at the discretion of the School Chair or designate.

5. Any student who has left the program because of unsatisfactory performance may be readmitted with the approval of the School Chair or designate after consultation with Faculty members.

Note: A student who has completed the graduation requirements with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or better and no “C+” or lower grades in any subject will be designated as graduating with Honours.

1. Requirements: (see Policy 8617: Graduation)

2. Students must complete 30 credits comprised of the following:

(a) Up to 9 credits from Selkirk College School of UAS

(b) Up to 30 credits from Selkirk College School of Business that have not been taken in their previous Diploma

(c) The student is advised to consult with the receiving institution to validate that Selkirk College courses will transfer into their preferred program plan.

If the student completed TWC 164 Technical Writing as part of the Business Administration two-year diploma, then the student may want to consider taking ENGL 110 English Composition and vice versa.

If the student completed TWC 164 Technical Writing as part of the Business Administration two-year diploma, then the student may want to consider taking ENGL 110 English Composition and vice versa.

Program courses

Required Courses

Accounting/Finance Concentration

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
ADMN230Project Management


ADMN286Human Resource Management


ADMN293Electronic Commerce


ADMN296International Business


COMM220Principles of Organizational Behaviour




Choose any five courses from the following:

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
ADMN399Directed Studies Business


ADMN265Operations Management


ADMN310Events Management and Marketing


BUS388Personal Finance


BUS389Retail Management





Choose up to four courses from University Arts and Sciences

See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.

If the student completed TWC 164 Technical Writing as part of the Business Administration two-year diploma, then the student may want to consider taking ENGL 110 English Composition and vice versa.

Required Courses

Professional Management Concentration

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
ADMN269Information Systems




Choose any nine courses from the following:

CodeTitleCreditsTotal Hours
ADMN255Corporate Finance


ADMN399Directed Studies Business


ADMN310Events Management and Marketing


BUS388Personal Finance


BUS389Retail Management


BUS392Professional Sales Skills




ECON104Economic Analysis for Small Business



Choose up to four courses from University Arts and Sciences

See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.

If the student completed TWC 164 Technical Writing as part of the Business Administration two-year diploma, then the student may want to consider taking ENGL 110 English Composition and vice versa.

Additional Program Policies

Effective Term: Fall, Winter, Spring

Advanced Standing:

A student may obtain credit for a maximum of 50% of program requirements by Transfer Credit, Advanced Placement, Prior Learning Assessment or combination thereof. But students planning to pursue further credentials should confirm that this is an optimal approach.

1. See Policy 8614: Advanced Standing – Course Challenge, PLA, and Transfer Credit.



Grading will be based on the Standard Academic and Career Programs grading table from Policy 8612: Grading.


Grading Table: Standard Academic and Career Programs

Types of Assessments:

a) Assignments

(i) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as indicated in the respective course outline.

(ii) Exams, labs, group or individual projects, assignments, presentations, class participation and other evaluative activities are weighted and averaged as indicated in the respective course outline.

(iii) Students will normally receive at least one weeks’ notice of dates and times when assignments and/or tests are to be submitted and/or written.

(iv) If accepted, late assignments may be subject to penalty.

(v) Students not submitting assignments or not writing scheduled tests will receive a zero mark. However, in some courses it may be mandatory to submit all assignments to an acceptable level and/or to write all exams in order to receive credit or a minimum grade for the course.

(vi) Students who have not completed all assigned work and exams must obtain the instructor’s approval to write the final exam before the exam date. The instructor may require the student to prepare a plan for completion of outstanding work.

(vii) Students are normally expected to complete all assignments using a word processor, spreadsheet, or other computer application as applicable. See individual course outlines for specific requirements.

(viii) Individual course outlines may have other specific requirements for assignments, grades, and/or examinations.


b) Examinations

(i) In some courses, students must receive a passing grade on specified exams in order to pass the course. The details will be explained in the applicable course outlines.

(ii) Students may be allowed to make alternative exam arrangements, with the appropriate instructor, for valid and verifiable reasons such as medical emergency, family bereavement, or jury duty.

(iii) Any alternate arrangements for final examinations must be approved by the School Chair or designate.

Tests and exams will ordinarily be retained by the instructor.



1. Punctual and regular attendance for scheduled classes, laboratory sessions and all of the scheduled learning activities is expected of all students.

2. Where absenteeism adversely affects a student’s progress and performance, probation and/or withdrawal from the program may result.

3. See individual course outlines for any additional attendance requirements.


Professional Requirements:

1. Faculty and students will conduct themselves in a business-like fashion. See Selkirk College Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct - Rights and Responsibilities.

2. Students are expected to be on time and prepared for all classes prior to entering the classroom. Assigned materials are to be read by students; such materials and textbooks are not necessarily reviewed page by page in class by the instructor.

3. The student is responsible for researching and obtaining notes of missed sessions. Instructors will not provide personal reviews to students who miss a class.
