Academic Upgrading
Program Details
Within this program, courses may be taken as prerequisites for further studies toward high school graduation or toward the following level certificates:
- BC Adult Graduation Diploma (Dogwood)
- Certificate of Completion in Adult Basic Education Fundamental Level
- Certificate of Completion in Adult Basic Education Intermediate level
- Certificate of Completion in Adult Basic Education Advanced Level
Program Summary
Looking to upgrade your skills? Want to get into that awesome first-year course or program? Improve subject understanding and study skills and complete prerequisite courses such as biology, chemistry, English, math and physics along with college success, computer sciences and social studies. All high school levels are available.
Our classrooms are supportive and respectful, and our instructors are committed to your success. Jump-start your life with Academic Upgrading.
Program Outcomes
Learners participating in Academic Upgrading courses at Selkirk College will finish their studies being able to demonstrate a number of the program outcomes:
- Demonstrate increased self-confidence
- Manage financial matters by applying principles of numeracy, accounting and integration of relevant technology
- Use appropriate verbal, non-verbal and written skills to communicate
- Develop effective learning strategies and adapt them to new situations
- Create realistic personal, work and educational goals and plans to achieve them
- Exhibit positive professional behaviour and employment related skills that maximize opportunities for success
- Demonstrate resilience, creativity and critical thinking in challenging situations
- Participate effectively as part of a team and in society
- Identify personal values, make decisions and balance responsibilities to increase well-being
- Practice appropriate safety procedures
- Use current and emerging technology effectively
Program Admission Requirements
Academic Requirements
Students applying to Academic Upgrading are not subject to the general admission requirements for Selkirk College.
- All applicants will meet with an instructor to discuss past education and current academic goals and choose an appropriate set of courses.
The College Readiness Tool is used for advising on course level placement. Students will write the CRT assessment prior to course registration to help instructors determine ideal course level placement. Program Chair or designate, in consultation with Assessment Services, will determine which subtests of the CRT will be required and the cut off scores for each subtest, in order to verify an applicant's potential for success and program admission.
Students must be 18 years of age or over at the time of registration.
- Notwithstanding the above, students 16 or 17 years of age may be considered for admission. Students will be assessed for admission based on referral to the program by a parent/guardian, a secondary school or other professional (e.g., social worker, counsellor).
- In addition, the instructor who met with the student must be satisfied that the underage student can perform in an adult learning environment. Such admission decisions will be made by the intake instructors under the supervision of the school chair.
Note: It is Selkirk College’s intention to work collaboratively with our local school districts to ensure an underaged student’s needs are best met by programming in the post-secondary system.
Additional Requirements
Before an applicant’s file is considered to be complete, a student must:
- Meet with an instructor (in person or by telephone)
- Complete a Selkirk College Application for Admission Form
- Sign their completed Course Registration Form
- Complete funding paperwork: forms for either an Adult Upgrading Grant, Supplemental Adult Upgrading Bursary or a funding Opt Out form, including any associated documentation required (childcare subsidy form, appendices, proof of income)
Graduation and Promotion
Selkirk College awards certificates of completion at the Fundamental, Intermediate and Advanced Levels, and the Adult Dogwood Diploma.
The British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD) is recognized by colleges, institutes and universities in the British Columbia public post-secondary system. To be eligible to graduate with an "Adult Dogwood," students 18 years of age or over must have completed five courses.
BC Adult Graduation Diploma Requirements
A provincial-level English or higher
An advanced-level or higher mathematics
Three additional courses at the provincial level or higher
Advanced social sciences and two provincial-level courses or higher
Courses and credits can be counted from post-secondary institutions, secondary schools and often from workplace or other learning establishments.
Upgrading instructors and college counsellors can help to determine which courses count toward the Adult Dogwood.
Selkirk College also awards certificates of completion at the Fundamental, Intermediate and Advanced levels.
A principle of delivery of education at the fundamental and intermediate level is that students must demonstrate mastery of the learning outcomes associated with a section of the course.
1. Fundamental level courses
a) Students in Fundamental Level courses will create an Academic Plan, which includes the student’s education goals and the education pathway, timeline and courses to achieve it.
b) Progress through Fundamental level courses is competency-based and requires the following:
i. achieving 80% or more on formative evaluations
ii. achieving 70% or more on summative evaluations
iii. passing final examination
iv. achieving the learning outcomes set out in each course outline
2. Intermediate level courses
a) Progress through Intermediate level courses is competency-based and requires the following:
i.) achieving 80% or more on formative evaluations
ii. achieving 70% or more on summative evaluations
iii. passing final examination
iv. achieving the learning outcomes set out in the course outline
Students in good standing are eligible to attempt an Academic Upgrading course a second time without special permission. Third or more course attempts are possible with the approval of the Academic Upgrading School Chair or Dean. Approval is granted based on the rationale provided in the student’s Academic Plan.
In the Academic Upgrading program it is not necessary to obtain a level certificate in order to take courses at the next level. However, some courses in the subject areas are sequential and must be completed in order.
Course by levels
Provincial Level Courses
BIOL60 | Biology - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
CHEM60 | Chemistry - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
CPSC60 | Computer Science - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
CPST60 | Computer Studies - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
EDCP60 | Education and Career Planning - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
EDSS60 | Student Success Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
ENGL60 | English - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
ENGL66 | Essential English - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
GEOG60 | Geography - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
HIST60 | History - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
INDG60 | Indigenous Ways Through Art - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
MATH60 | Algebra And Trigonometry - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
PHYS60 | Physics - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
PORT60 | Portfolio - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
SOST60 | Social Studies: Introduction to Psychology Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
WORK60 | Workplace Experience - Provincial Level | 0.00 | 128 |
ADGD60 | Certificate(s) Earned | 0.00 | |
*Minimum requirements are listed; higher-level courses may be substituted
**ADGD 60 – Adult Graduation course representing learning completed as an adult that is at least 100 hours in duration and delivers and assesses explicit learning outcomes to determine to what degree the learner has met the learning outcomes (eg. assigned a letter grade, pass or completion). Examples include workplace certifications like Level 3 First Aid and Class 1 Driver’s License, micro-credentials like Anti-racism or Drone operator training.
To acquire this credential, students must
· be a minimum of 18 years of age,
· complete at least three courses after entering an adult learning program (by enrolling in courses or by Prior Learning Assessment. See Policy 8614)
· use no more than two high school-level courses toward the BCAGD.
The BC government oversees adult education and graduation credentials. Information is found here.
Advanced Level Courses
BIOL50 | Biology - Advanced Level | 0.00 | 128 |
CHEM50 | Chemistry - Advanced Level | 0.00 | 128 |
CPST50 | Computer Studies - Advanced Level | 0.00 | 128 |
ENGL50 | English - Advanced Level | 0.00 | 128 |
MATH50 | Algebra - Advanced Level | 0.00 | 128 |
MATH54 | Mathematics: Advanced Level Business/Technical | 0.00 | 128 |
MATH56 | Foundations Mathematics - Advanced Level | 0.00 | 128 |
PHYS50 | Introduction to Physics Advanced Level | 0.00 | 128 |
SOST50 | Social Studies - Advanced Level | 0.00 | 128 |
Intermediate Level Courses
CPST40 | Computer Studies - Intermediate Level | 0.00 | 128 |
EDCP49 | Education and Career Planning - Intermediate Level | 0.00 | 128 |
MATH44 | Intermediate Mathematics | 0.00 | 128 |
MATH46 | Mathematics - Intermediate Level | 0.00 | 128 |
MATH49 | Introductory Algebra - Intermediate Level | 0.00 | 128 |
SOST10 | Social Studies - Intermediate Level | 0.00 | 128 |
SCIE40 | Science - Intermediate Level | 0.00 | 128 |
Fundamental Level Courses
CPST02 | Computer Studies: Fundamental Level | 0.00 | 128 |
EDCP02 | Education and Career Planning - Fundamental | 0.00 | 128 |
ESK01 | Fundamental English Level 1 | 0.00 | 128 |
ESK02 | Fundamental English Level 2 | 0.00 | 128 |
ESK03 | Fundamental English Level 3 | 0.00 | 128 |
ESK04 | Fundamental English Level 4 | 0.00 | 128 |
ESK05 | Fundamental English Level 5 | 0.00 | 128 |
ESK06 | Fundamental English Level 6 | 0.00 | 128 |
MSK01 | Fundamental Math - Level 1 | 0.00 | 128 |
MSK02 | Fundamental Math - Level 2 | 0.00 | 128 |
MSK03 | Fundamental Math - Level 3 | 0.00 | 128 |
MSK04 | Fundamental Math - Level 4 | 0.00 | 128 |
MSK05 | Fundamental Math - Level 5 | 0.00 | 128 |
MSK06 | Fundamental Math - Level 6 | 0.00 | 128 |
SSK01 | Skills and Strategies for Learning Level I | 0.00 | 128 |
SSK 02 | Skills and Strategies for Learning Level II | 0.00 | 128 |
SSK 03 | Skills and Strategies for Learning Level III | 0.00 | 128 |
SSK 04 | Skills and Strategies for Learning Level IV | 0.00 | 128 |
SSK 05 | Skills and Strategies for Learning Level V | 0.00 | 128 |
SSK 06 | Skills and Strategies for Learning Level VI | 0.00 | 128 |
SSK 01-06 Skills and Strategies for Learning are available for students to take. Please see your program advisor for information on these tutorial courses.
Additional Program Policies